Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

Hire faster & smarter with Talexio

Manage vacancies, build your talent pool & streamline the entire recruitment process.


All your recruitment data in one place
✔ Effective vacancy promotion to boost applications
✔ Automated & simplified hiring journey
✔ Smooth candidate experience & onboarding

Applicant Tracking System Funnel and Dashboard

Centralised Recruitment Data

Vacancy Management & Promotion

AI-Generated Job Descriptions: Instantly create compelling job descriptions to attract the best candidates.

Multi-Platform Job Publishing: Effortlessly publish vacancies across multiple platforms and job boards to reach a broader audience and boost applications.

Personalised Career Site: Customise your own career site using your brand identity to showcase your current vacancies.

Advanced Candidate Filtering: Quickly process applications using region filtering and shortlisting questions to focus only on candidates that meet your criteria.

Generate job description on the fly!
Candidate Management

Candidate Management

Customisable Templates: Create custom email templates to streamline and personalise communication. Reach multiple candidates simultaneously, saving time, ensuring consistent messaging and engagement.

Suggested Candidates: Benefit from an algorithm analysing and matching candidate profiles from your database with open vacancies

Compliance: Ensure compliance with labour law, equal opportunity and secure data storage for your candidates with automated GDPR controls.

Simplified Candidate Onboarding: Integrate your ATS data with our Talexio HR module for a one-click transition from candidate to employee, simplifying the onboarding process.

Start hiring with Talexio!

Don’t just take our word for it

Read what our clients have to say about our product and support

Protection Services Malta

Talexio is much better than the previous software we used and their support is amazing. 

Jason Pisani - Director, Protection Services Malta
Easy and user-friendly system, quick and responsive customer service. Highly recommended!
Agata Nowak - HR Manager, PlayMagic Ltd

Efficient, straight forward and user-friendly system for all members of staff. Great for a small organisation of our size whilst scalable for future growth.

Ramon Bondin - CEO, Dolfin Asset Services Limited
St.Paul's Missionary College Logo

Talexio offers multiple HR solutions without any hassle. We were up and running with the Leave Management module in less than eight hours! And everyone in our department started using it without any difficulties. We are looking forward to proceeding to our next challenge—to start using the Time Management solution.

Lino Azzopardi - Head of Administration and Finance, St Paul's Missionary College